Yearbook ideas

What are pre-print checks?

26 November 2019

So you’ve nearly finished editing your book and your deadline is approaching – great! But before we can let you click that ‘submit’ button there are a series of checks your book will need to go through at the AllYearbooks office.

As you come to the final stages of creating your book, your yearbook coordinator may remind you to submit for these checks as soon as possible (at least three working days before your deadline). But why? And what exactly are pre-print checks?!

Check out our pre-print and final confirmation FAQs below:


What is a pre-print check?
A member of our team will look through your book page-by-page for any potential printing problems. We recommend getting this done a few days before your deadline so that you have time to make any possible changes we suggest.

How long do these checks take?
We will try and check your book soon after you request these checks, but we always recommend you leave enough time for us to check through. The time of the actual checks can also vary due to the content and size of your yearbook. Your yearbook coordinator will always be happy to update you on our progress – just ask !


Does the book have to be completely finished before pre-print checks?
We’re often asked if the editors can still make changes while these checks are ongoing and the answer is yes, of course! All we ask is that the bulk of content has been added before these are requested.

What kind of things are you looking for?
We are looking for any potential printing problems – this can range from low quality pictures, overlapping text boxes, text and background colours, to font types. For example, if you have a bright yellow text against a white background, we might suggest for you to darken this colour to make it easier to read when printed.

Are you proofreading our content too?
No – we are just looking at things from a printing perspective. Checking for typos and duplicated images is still a responsibility for the editors and staff proofreader. AllYearbooks cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions made by editors and other contributors.


What do we do now?
Once AYB has been through your book you will receive an email telling the chief editor and staff proofreader to log into the book and click on a yellow bar at the top of the book’s homepage.

From here you will be able to view the checks, and when you are happy with everything you can click confirm and we will send your book to the printers!

Any questions you have about the pre-print checks process please just ask us! We are here to help and to make sure you have the best yearbook!